It's Never Too Late To Learn How To Surf
No it's never too late to "Learn How To Surf" surfing is such a great sport for your physical fitness & keeps your mind active as well. Over the past 2 years Pam Burridge Surf Schools has seen a huge increase in "The Mature Learner" by mature I would say aged 40-60 years & the remarkable thing is probably 70% are women taking up the sport of surfing for the 1st time.
Surfing is a sport you can do at your own pace so there is no pressure to be standing up on your first wave. The average mature learner takes a few lessons to get to their feet but once up their usually addicted. Fitness is a big part of surfing but again you can build this up over the weeks/months at your own pace while learning the techniques. Once you've mastered the basics it's practise, practise, practise!!! you may not be the next world champ but I can nearly guarantee you are going to love the sport of surfing!